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Talent Pools
Daniel Binns avatar
Written by Daniel Binns
Updated over 10 months ago

Shared Talent Pools

You can share your talent pools with your team, and your team can share their talent pools with you! Learn how to share a talent pool here.

What is a Talent Pool?

Talent pools enable you to create groups of freelancers who share a similar attribute. For example, you may have a talent pool of your favourite designers or a talent pool for freelancers with experience on a certain project or with a certain client. The choice is yours.

You can filter the directory list by freelancers in a particular talent pool, and through a talent pool, you can request the availability of everyone within the talent pool or propose a brief to individual freelancers within the talent pool.

By default the talent pools that you create are private, but you can share these with your team and your team can share their talent pools with you.

How do I create a Talent Pool?

When viewing a freelancer's card through the marketplace or your directory, or when viewing their profile, you can create a new talent pool by selecting the heart icon and selecting 'Create a new talent pool'. You then need to give the talent pool a name and select 'Done'.

How do I add a freelancer to a Talent Pool?

When viewing a freelancer's card through the marketplace or your directory, or when viewing their profile, you can add the freelancer to a talent pool by selecting the heart icon and selecting to create a new talent pool or by selecting an existing talent pool. When a freelancer is added to a talent pool the heart icon will turn red. You can add freelancers to multiple talent pools.

How do I remove a freelancer from a Talent Pool?

When viewing a freelancer's card through the marketplace or your directory, or when viewing their profile, you can remove the freelancer from a talent pool by selecting the heart icon and then selecting the talent pool(s) that you wish to remove the freelancer from. When a freelancer has been removed from a talent pool the heart icon will turn white.

How do I share a Talent Pool?

When viewing the freelancers within a talent pool you can share a talent pool with your team by selecting 'Edit' under the talent pool title or 'Share talent pool' from the ellipsis menu and updating who can view the talent pool to 'Shared'. Remember to select 'Update' to save your change.

Who can manage the freelancers within a shared Talent Pool?

Your team can view, add freelancers to, and remove freelancers from the talent pools that you have shared with them, and you can view, add freelancers to, and remove freelancers from the talent pools that they have shared with you.

You can see who added a freelancer to a talent pool and the date they were added.

Who can choose whether a talent pool is shared or private?

Only the owner of a talent pool can choose to share their talent pool, and only the owner of a talent pool can choose to make a shared talent pool private once again. You can view the owner of a talent pool when viewing the freelancers within a talent pool.

How do I request the availability of everyone in a Talent Pool?

When viewing a talent pool select request all and then select the brief that you would like to propose. If you need to create the brief then you will have the option to create a new brief.

How many Talent Pools can I create?

You can view your remaining talent pools and your talent pool limit by selecting the talent pool icon in the top right next to your profile icon. The number of remaining talent pools is displayed by the heading, and if you hover over your remaining talent pools the tooltip will inform you of your talent pool limit. Please contact support if you need more.

How many freelancers can I add to a Talent Pool?

You can view the number of spaces remaining in a talent pool by viewing the freelancers in a talent pool. The number of spaces remaining is displayed by the heading, and if you hover over the remaining spaces the tooltip will inform you of your limit of freelancers per talent pool. Please contact support if you need more.

How do I delete a Talent Pool?

When viewing a talent pool select the vertical ellipsis menu (the three dots) in the top right next to the 'Request all' button, and select 'Delete talent pool'. You will be required to confirm that you wish to delete your talent tool to prevent accidental deletions.

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